April 5, 2022

Ela Motors PNG is proud to congratulate its top 9 winners of the 2021 15th Toyota Dream Car Art Competition, a national art contest for children aged 15 and younger. The art competition commenced on the 22nd of November 2021 and ended on the 31st of January 2022.
A total of 153 entries were received and judged by a panel of professional art instructors and educators. The winners were selected based on the artwork’s uniqueness, message and artistic quality.
The awards ceremony was held on the 14th of March 2022, in Port Moresby at the Badili showroom with the General Manager for Finance, Mr Eymard Joseph, present to witness as the guest of honour.
Mr Joseph was pleased to present the First Prize winners with K2000, Second Prize K1000 and Third Prize K500 worth of Stationary Shopping Vouchers with a dream car gift pack as a complimentary gift to all the winners in three categories. Mr Joseph highlighted the significance of the Toyota brand and encouraged the dream car winners to become future Toyota champions.
“On behalf of the Toyota Corporation, the board of management and staff of Ela Motors PNG, we would sincerely like to extend their warm acknowledgments to all the children who participated in the 2021 – 15th Toyota Dream Car Art Contest. Thank you for your efforts and engagement. We are completely in awe of your raw and remarkable talents”.
Mr. Joseph further said that the children’s participation has made this competition a successful event. “We received so many incredible drawings from talented artists all over the country and had a challenging time picking our top 3 winners in each category”.
The Toyota Dream Car Art Competition is an annual worldwide art contest that invites children to share their ideas about future mobility by drawing their dream cars to nurture the creativity of great inventors, thinkers and dreamers.