Ela Motors Extends Support to Operation Open Heart Foundation (OOHF)

June 19, 2024

Ela Motors has generously provided a 15 seater bus to OOHF to transport the open heart international team during a 3-day open heart surgery at the Port Moresby General Hospital from June 21st to 23rd.

The OOHF Director Corporate Affairs, Ms. Jane Huka stated that this assistance from Ela Motors is crucial to the success of their mission and the well-being of their patients. The ongoing commitment to our cause not only facilitates the practical aspects of our open-heart program but also uplifts the morale of our team and instills confidence in the patients whose lives will be saved during this visit.

“We express our heartfelt gratitude to Ela Motors and look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with them again.”

Jose Verroya, Customer & Public Relations General Manager of Ela Motors, conveyed the company’s pride in being part of this course on behalf of CEO Mr. Masaru Mikami, and assured continued support for the program.